Thursday, March 26, 2009

Wedding Bells!!?!

Josh announced to me on the way home today that one of his friends that he has been friends with for a long time told him today that she wants to marry him. He added that she says she wants to have 10 kids. 5 that are girls and 5 that are boys. The whole conversation was very matter-of-fact. However, he does seem much more preoccupied with who will be attending his birthday party in May and what we will have at it. :)

Monday, March 23, 2009

Soft Spot

Each morning, I drop of Katie at daycare on the way to school. Since Josh is in Kindergarten at my school, he is in the car with me. The kids usually eat breakfast before we leave home, and sometimes finish in the car (pop-tarts or dry cereal). Katie gets her milk at school when I drop her off, so I always bring a cup of milk in the car for Josh. He drinks it while I take Katie inside. This morning, I was in a hurry with it being the first day back after spring break, and I forgot to get his cup of milk. He grumpily asked me where his milk was before I shut the door to take Katie inside the daycare. I told him that I forgot and I was sorry. He was quiet when I came back and I asked him if he was mad at me. He said "No. It's okay. Sometimes I forget too, mama." I don't know why, but that made me feel bad. It sorta hit me in the soft spot that parents have for their kids.