Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Science Lessons from a 3 year old

Katie decided she wanted to talk about spiders on the way home today. She told me that they are on webs. I told her that webs were where spiders lived, like a house. Then she told me that spiders don't eat candycanes. The next thing out of her mouth was that Santa is coming soon. I wonder if the daycare workers were using the Santa Claus and/or candycane bribery tricks to get the kids to behave at school today????

As for what's going on with Josh, I check out several books each week from our school library and he reads them at night to us and takes tests on the computer at school. The kids get points based on how many tests they pass, and the principal gives rewards for reaching certain point goals. Anyway, Josh has been reading first grade books by himself without much help, and can read second grade books with a little help. Last week I checked out a Frog and Toad book that was rated a 1.4 (that means fourth month of first grade). Today he took the test for it and the librarian emailed me to tell me that he made a 100 and that the book has been re-evaluated and it now considered a 2.9 (ninth month of second grade). She was so proud, and so are we!